Saturday, November 30, 2019
Stealing Essay Example For Students
Stealing Essay -Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition README for DisplaysJune 2000- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 2000This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Millennium Edition (Windows Me) documentation. HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENTTo view Display.txt on-screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Display.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then on the File menu, click Print. We will write a custom essay on Stealing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now CONTENTSWINDOWS UPDATEWINDOWS 95 UPGRADESWINDOWS 95 DRIVERS CONVERTED TO VGAADAPTER TYPEMONITOR TYPEREFRESH RATES DISPLAY PROBLEMSDYNAMIC COLOR CHANGEANIMATED CURSORSIRQ CONFLICTS WITH PCI DISPLAY ADAPTERSMULTIPLE DISPLAY SUPPORT===============WINDOWS UPDATE ===============Microsoft regularly makes updated drivers available on the Internet through Windows Update. Windows Me also includes additional drivers in the Drivers directory on the Windows Me CD. To obtain additional or updated drivers, carry out the following steps:If you have an Internet connection:1. Click Start, and then click Windows Update. 2. Follow the instructions on your screen. If you do not have an Internet connection:1. Click Start, and then click Help. 2. In Windows Help, click the Index tab. 3. Type Download Library, and then press Display. 4. Follow the instructions on your screen. Microsoft updates the Windows Driver Library on the Internet regularly with the newest drivers from third-party manufacturers. Microsoft tests these drivers for compatibility and then makes them available for download. Windows Update makes these drivers available automatically by detecting the hardware on your system and offering you only those drivers that are compatible with your system. ===================WINDOWS 95 UPGRADES===================Windows Me upgrades all Microsoft-provided drivers from Windows 95 and DirectX releases. Windows Me also upgrades certain third-party Windows 95 drivers that might experience problems running in Windows Me. If your display card or system included display-specific utilities (for example, extra Display properties in Control Panel, refresh rate utilities, or color matching utilities), an upgrade to the provided Windows Me driver may cause the utilities not to work correctly. If Windows Me upgrades your display driver and your display-specific utilities are not working correctly, this is because the existing third-party Windows 95 driver is not compatible with Windows Me. Third-party display drivers and utilities are often very interdependent, so that if you remove one piece, you will break the other. The display drivers included with Windows Me are intended to be generic drivers that provide stable support for standard Windows APIs and features. Because each driver must support a number of different configurations, it is impossible to support every utility with one driver. Some features that formerly were included in third-party utilities have been integrated into Windows. If you still want the extra features offered by your display adapter vendor, contact your vendor to obtain an updated driver and software. ===================================WINDOWS 95 DRIVERS CONVERTED TO VGA===================================Windows Me is compatible with Windows 95 display drivers. However, because the internal structure and behavior of the operating system have changed since Windows 95, some problems in existing Windows 95 drivers might become apparent only in W indows Me. If the Windows Me CD contains a driver for your device, Windows Me automatically upgrades known bad drivers (see the Windows 95 Upgrades section earlier in this document). If the Windows Me CD does not contain a driver for your device, Windows Me converts the driver to VGA to allow the system to start. In this case, you need to obtain an updated driver, either by following the procedure in the Windows Update or Windows Driver Library section earlier in this document or by contacting your display hardware manufacturer. .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea , .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .postImageUrl , .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea , .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:hover , .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:visited , .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:active { border:0!important; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:active , .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc13c75a74de2b9dea987ef9ac91272ea:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The last of the mohicans Argumentative Essay============ADAPTER TYPE============Windows Me Setup configures your adapter type based on the controller it usesfor example, S3, Cirrus Logic, or ATI. However, you may find a more exact match for your adapter make and model by using the Update Device Driver wizard. In most cases, selecting a more precise adapter type does not change the driver or its behavior in any way. It only changes the name displayed in the Display Properties dialog box. If your computer is working with the display driver Windows Me automatically installed, theres no need to make a change. To choose a more specific adapter:1. Open System Properties in Control Panel, and then click the Device Manager tab. 2. Select the device you want to change adapters for, and then click Properties. 3. Click the Driver tab, click Update Driver, and then click Next. 4. Click Specify the location of the driver (Advanced), and then click Next. 5. Click Display a list of all of the drivers in a specific location, and then click Next. 6. In the Models list, select your adapter, and then click Next. 7. Follow the instructions on your screen. ============MONITOR TYPE============If Windows Me does not contain a driver for your monitor type, select one of the standard monitor types instead. This selection will not adversely affect the performance or quality of the Windows Me display output. Before you can change to a higher resolution on certain video cards, you will have to specify the exact monitor type. This is by the design of the newer drivers. To find out whether Windows Me has a driver for your monitor, carry out the following steps:1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Open Display Properties. If you do not see the Display icon, click view all Control Panel options.3. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 4. Click the Monitor tab, and then click Change. A list of monitor drivers included in Windows Me is displayed. If Windows Me does not have a driver for your monitor, contact the manufacturer of the monitor. =============REFRESH RATES=============To adjust the refresh rate in Windows Me, carry out the following steps:1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Open Display Properties. If you do not see the Display icon, click view all Control Panel options.3. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 4. Click the Adapter tab, and then select a refresh rate from the list. You must select a monitor in order to set refresh rates. If Monitor is set to unknown monitor, no custom refresh rates are available. Refresh rates are affected by the capabilities of both the display adapter and the monitor. Windows Me makes available all the refresh rates within the combined capabilities of the display adapter and the monitor. ================DISPLAY PROBLEMS================If your display is visible but imaging incorrectly:1. Right-click the desktop, and then click Properties. 2. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 3. Click the Performance tab. 4. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider one notch to the left. If the problem isnt corrected, repeat the above procedure and move the slider further to the left. NOTE: Moving the Hardware Acceleration slider to the left disables some of the graphics acceleration functions of your display adapter. If your display-related problems are due to incompatibilities in the display driver, this fixes them by using less of the acceleration features in the driver. If your display is blank or unreadable when Windows Me starts:1. Restart your computer. 2. Press and hold down CTRL until the Microsoft Windows Millennium Startup Menu appears. .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b , .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .postImageUrl , .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b , .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:hover , .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:visited , .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:active { border:0!important; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:active , .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3908bb37c2a7235349a6838eacc3f20b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: American And Indian Culture EssayWords/ Pages : 1,240 / 24
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Prostitution69 essays
Prostitution69 essays For as long as human civilization has existed. the sale of sex and sexual services has been looked upon as a problem by some, and as a way of life by others. People who look at prostitution as a way of life are not just the prostitutes who offer these services. There are many countries in this world that view the sale of sex as a viable source of income and as an accepted social activity. Countries such as Holland view prostitution as a socially accepted way of life and regulate them as such. Even in America where prostitution is criminalized in most states and the negative social stigma that surrounds prostitution plagues politicians to clean up our neighborhoods, you can still find pockets where prostitution is legal and regulated such as Las Vegas. My final project is going to deal with the benefits and problems of legalizing prostitution on many levels such as disease control, taxation, and moral issues. The parties that I will be dealing with are sex workers, Johns, and the g overnment. Having read many views on the issue of sex work, we must first decide what constitutes sex work and to what extent should government be allowed to regulate said work. First, I will make a general definition as to what sex work constitutes. For this paper sex work constitutes performing sexual activities in exchange for money or merchandise. In normal terms, I will be talking about prostitution and strippers. I completely understand that there are other forms of sex work such as pornography but for this paper I do not wish to tackle those subjects. The first question I will talk about is why is sex work is looked upon so negatively, prompting politicians in many countries to outlaw it. Many different groups oppose sex work and each one has a different opinion as to why it is wrong and should be made illegal. These groups range from those opposed to prostitution on moral grounds to legal reasons ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Say Good Morning in French Correctly
How to Say Good Morning in French Correctly SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Who hasnââ¬â¢t dreamed of having breakfast in an adorable French cafe, dipping a croissant into a delicious coffee, and chatting with a new friend over pastries? Only- quelle horreur!- when you go to greet your friend, you suddenly canââ¬â¢t remember how to say ââ¬Å"good morningâ⬠in French. In this article, weââ¬â¢ll cover not only how to say ââ¬Å"good morningâ⬠in French, but how to address the greeting to different people, and even how to say goodbye. It's that easy! How Do You Say Good Morning in French? If you know anything in French or youââ¬â¢ve ever watched Beauty and the Beast, you probably know how to say hello: ââ¬Å"Bonjour!â⬠Well, good news- â⬠Bonjourâ⬠is also the standard French way to say ââ¬Å"good morningâ⬠In French, bonjour is pronounced bon-zhoor. The French ââ¬Ëjââ¬â¢ sound, as itââ¬â¢s heard in bonjour, is a bit like sh in English crossed with the dg sound in ââ¬Å"judge.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s not the expected ââ¬Å"jâ⬠sound we have in English, so be sure you really listen to how itââ¬â¢s said before you accidentally greet somebody by saying, ââ¬Å"Bone Jurr.â⬠Literally translated, ââ¬Å"bonjourâ⬠means ââ¬Å"good day.â⬠ââ¬Å"Bonâ⬠is the French word for ââ¬Å"good,â⬠and ââ¬Å"jourâ⬠is the French word for day. Generally, French people use bonjour as a greeting up until about six PM, at which point they switch to another greeting, covered below. However, though we might say ââ¬Å"good dayâ⬠to greet or say goodbye to people, itââ¬â¢s purely a greeting in French. Weââ¬â¢ll cover the goodbye version below! There is another method of saying good morning in french: ââ¬Å"bon matin,â⬠pronounced bon mah-teen. However, though this is a literal translation of ââ¬Å"good morning,â⬠it is not typically used in France. Itââ¬â¢s an Anglicization, or Anglicisme, that works as a literal translation but that isnââ¬â¢t commonly heard. However, bon matin may be heard more frequently in Quà ©bà ©cois French, the variety of French spoken in Canada. Generally speaking, bonjour is the standard method of saying ââ¬Å"good morning.â⬠But depending on where in the world you are, you may also be able to say bon matin! Interestingly, you generally want to say bonjour to someone once per day. The next time you see them, you should use a more informal greeting! Ahh, bonjour, mon ami. Personalizing ââ¬Å"Bonjourâ⬠But maybe you have a specific person you want to say ââ¬Å"good morningâ⬠to, or you want to get a little fancier. Bonjour is a simple greeting that can be adapted to a lot of different situations! If you want to be polite and youââ¬â¢re speaking to someone whose name you donââ¬â¢t know, you can greet them with ââ¬Å"bonjourâ⬠and a title. French is a language with gendered nouns, so there are different forms of address for people depending on their gender: Madame is used to refer to married women, just as ââ¬Å"Mrs.â⬠would be used in English. Itââ¬â¢s pronounced mah-dahm. Mademoiselle is used to refer to unmarried women, just like ââ¬Å"Ms.â⬠in English. Itââ¬â¢s pronounced mah-dehm-wah-zell. Monsieur is used for men, just like ââ¬Å"Mr.â⬠in English, and is pronounced something like meuh-syeuh, with both syllables rhyming with ââ¬Å"the.â⬠These vowel sounds can be quite tricky for non-native French speakers to master, so spend some time listening to native French speakers saying it and imitate them. All of those words can be added to the word bonjour for a proper ââ¬Å"good morningâ⬠greeting in French- â⬠Bonjour Madame/Mademoiselle/Monsieur.â⬠If youââ¬â¢re greeting a small group of people, you can greet them all by name: ââ¬Å"Bonjour Isabelle! Bonjour Delphine! Bonjour Ãâ°tienne!â⬠But if you want to greet an audience, you probably canââ¬â¢t greet them all by name. In that case, youââ¬â¢d add the phrase tous to bonjour, changing it from an individual ââ¬Å"helloâ⬠to ââ¬Å"hello everyone!â⬠Literally translated, tous means ââ¬Å"to all.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s pronounced ah toos. But you can get even fancier, if you so desire. Because bonjour is such a flexible greeting, you can add all kinds of additions to it to make it more specific, such as: Phrase Meaning Pronunciation Mon amour My love Mohn ah-moor Ma chà ©rie My sweetheart/darling (to a woman) Mah shey-ree Mon chà ©r My sweetheart/darling (to a man) Mohn sher Ma belle My beautiful (to a woman) Mah bell Mon beau My handsome (to a man) Mohn boh Bonsoir, Paris How to Say Goodbye and Good Night in French Parting is such sweet sorrow- in French, you need a goodbye to match. ââ¬Å"Au revoir,â⬠pronounced oh rev-wahr, is the typical French goodbye. Literally translated, it means something close to, ââ¬Å"Until I see you again.â⬠You can say this any time of day in any kind of situation, formal or informal. Saying goodbye in the evening gets a little trickier. The literal French version of good evening, ââ¬Å"bonsoirâ⬠is used as a greeting after about six PM. You donââ¬â¢t generally use bonsoir as somebody is leaving unless the situation is formal- instead, youââ¬â¢re more likely to say ââ¬Å"bonne soirà ©e,â⬠bohn swah-ray, which is the same phrase with feminine endings, when youââ¬â¢re wishing somebody a good evening as they or you are leaving. You also wouldnââ¬â¢t say ââ¬Å"bonne nuit,â⬠literally translating as ââ¬Å"good nightâ⬠and pronounced bohn nweet, unless the person is literally going to bed. In general, ââ¬Å"au revoirâ⬠is a good all-purpose goodbye unless youââ¬â¢re looking for something more specific. In that case, one of these other goodbyes may suffice- just be certain you match the correct one to the situation, especially because regional differences may make one or the other more acceptable. Watch and listen to what other people do and follow their lead! Whatââ¬â¢s Next? Want to become a polyglot who excels in morning greetings? Check out this article on how to say good morning in Japanese! Considering making French your major in college? Read up on all the reasons a foreign language major is a great idea (and the reasons it may not be)! If you're still early in your language-learning career, check out this discussion of which foreign language you should take in high school! Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Melissa Brinks About the Author Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Operations of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Operations of Management - Essay Example Management also leads to better organization of resources, resulting in higher output and sales. Apparently, the firm will drift and eventually fail and the business cannot succeed without the much-needed management. The basic roles of management involve planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling. Management involves taking risks and requires critical decision-making regarding strategic, tactical or operation matters. Operations Management: Operations management is a branch of management which deals with supervising, designing, and redesigning business operations when producing goods and services. Its main purpose is to be as productive efficient as possible by using as little resources needed for the production of goods and services. It is responsible for being effective in meeting customer requirements. The process of converting inputs into outputs comes under operations management. (Borrington, Stimpson. 2006) Operations management helps to increase the substan ce of value-added activities in any process of the business. But for optimal enterprise performance, a business must co-align these value-adding activities with possible marketing opportunity. It is mainly concerned with the technical functions of a business like the development, production and manufacturing of goods and services. ... It has to decide upon the best marketing mix for each and every product and make sure that this is put into effect. It will keep records of the sales of each product/service so that decisions can be made about extensions strategies or taking products off the market. A business will fail without effective marketing. The marketing managers have an important role in meeting customer requirements. Organization: Unilever. Introduction: Unilever is a giant multinational with its headquarters in London, and operating companies in many countries of the world for example Switzerland, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and India, to name a few. It was first established in 1930 when Lever Brothers of UK and Margarine Unie of Netherlands merged. Since then it is providing consumers with the best of hygiene, personal care and nutrition products all over the world. The Marketing Department: In Unilever most of the decisions are made by the Upper Management and they make decisions regarding the market ing of their products like advertising and promotion. It has such a vast size because of the fact that it is a multinational, that organizing is probably the most critical of all functions of its management. It is important that their employees are motivated and inspired to work efficiently and make sure that all departments are working according to their goals and instructions assigned to them. All the progress has to be evaluated to increase the output and results and overcome any conflicts and problems. The role of marketing managers: The marketing manager of all Unilever companies has to perform many interpersonal roles of which, liaison is the most important. He has to act as a leader and an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Environmental management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Environmental management - Essay Example When compared to the other aspects, ozone depletion has more impact on the environment, since the level of poisonous gases getting into the atmosphere has increased.(Jones, 1989). Most of the factories and manufacturing industries are the major reason for this ozone depletion. As these gases do not mix with the air easily, they stay in the atmosphere and this in turn creates health hazards. Ozone layer is one of the important components that protect the earth. It filters ultra violet rays emitted by the sun and protects the earth from this radiation. Ozone layer is not a plain surface, instead it is depleted and this increases the chance of damage in the layer. The gases and radiation from sun spoils its layer thereby increasing the level of diseases. Chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons and methyl chloroform increase the chances of the ozone layer getting depleted. If there is an increase in the level of emission of these chemicals, the ozone layer will get severely depleted, leading to sever environmental
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Message Cautious Listening Essay Example for Free
Message Cautious Listening Essay Listening can occur in: 1. One-on-one communication or face-to-face conversations 2. a small group 3. large group Levels of attentiveness 1. Nonlistener. This individual is preoccupied with personal thoughts unrelated to the speakerââ¬â¢s message. 2. Passive listener. This person hears the speakerââ¬â¢s words without really understanding them. This incomplete absorption means the listener lacks a coherent view of the entire message. 3. Semi-active listener. The listener attempts to get what the speaker says but still doesnââ¬â¢t understand the total intent. 4. Active listener. This person is more effective. The listener pays close attention to the words and their context. HEARING VS. LISTENING Hearing is a physical process; listening is a mental one. Listening involves comprehending and retaining what is heard. The listening process The listening process consists of 4 elements: 1. Hearing. It is a physiological process. When we hear, the auditory nerves are stimulated by sound waves. 2. Filtering. It is the elimination of unwanted stimuli. Filtering allows the listener to focus on stimuli that are of special interest. 3. Interpreting. The listenerââ¬â¢s mind assigns meaning to the stimuli. 4. Recalling. It involves remembering at a later time the information that was interpreted earlier. Guidelines for effective listening 1. Concentrate on the message 2. Determine the purpose of the message ï⠷ Cautious listening ï⠷ Skimming ï⠷ Scanning 3. Keep an open mind 4. Use feedback 5. Minimize note taking. 6. Analyze the total message 7. Do not talk or interrupt Barriers to listening A listening barrier is anything that interferes with the listening process. 1. Physical distractions 2. Mental distractions 3. Health concerns 4. Nonverbal distractions 5. Inappropriate timing 6. Ineffective speech characteristics
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Death comes for the archbishop :: essays research papers
Death Comes for the Archbishop By Willa Cather Willa Cather is the author of the award winning novel Death Comes For The Archbishop written in 1927. She was born in 1873 near Winchester, Virginia and soon moved to Nebraska (Cather, 1927). During her childhood she was surrounded by foreign languages and customs. Even at her young age she felt a connection to the immigrants in Nebraska and was intrigued with their connection to the land. Willa also loved writing about the vanished past of the American Southwest where nature and Christianity is opposed to the modern urban life and society ( She was raised Episcopalian and later in life she joined the Protestant Church in search for spirituality while still being captivated with the grandeur of ceremonies performed in the Catholic Church. These fascinations were projected directly into to her writings, as seen in her book Death Comes For The Archbishop. This book was awarded the Howells Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1930 (http://www.geocitie This book is considered an American Classic due to its longevity in popular literature. It also provides the important historical background on the Catholic Church and its impact on the American Southwest. Willa emphasizes, through her writings, the hardships of the people involved in making this part of America what it is today. It points out the influence of the earliest Spanish missionaries of the 16th century through the latter part of the 19th century involving French missionaries and exposes the corruptness as well as the dedication of the missionaries of the church. The bookââ¬â¢s main setting is in the 19th century, during the settlement of New Mexico and Colorado and recalls the journeys that a priest undertook and the hardships overcame in order to meet his and the churches goal of bringing the Catholic faith to Mexicans and native Indians. Through his travels and the spiritual work in the beautiful, yet rough environment he was radically transformed. He was especially i nfluenced by the experiences of the westward movement of the agricultural frontier because of the impact of the native people. The main character of this book is Father Jean Marie Latour. He was consecrated the Catholic Vicar Apostolic of New Mexico and Bishop of Agathonica in partibus at Cincinnati and was destined to reach his Vicarate (Cather 1927) and help the people of the land. When he was given his mission to retrieve the bishopric (Cather 1927) by the Vatican in Rome he accepted it whole heartedly.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Boston Beer Company Essay
You are the investment banker assigned with the task of setting the IPO price for Boston Beer Company (BBC). Prepare a research report to support your recommendation. As you prepare this report, you may find that you would like to have more field information than what the case offers you. However, the case contains critical information that gives you a reasonable basis to compute its valuation. In addition use the following information for 1995. 1 Sales ($ millions) Redhook Peteââ¬â¢s BBC 25. 89 59. 17 151. 31 EPS . 75 . 25 . 40 Book value/share 7. 70 4. 33 3. 00 Price 27. 00 24. 75 ? Also, use the following information for BBC for 1996. Make additional assumptions as necessary (and state any additional assumptions) to compute free cash flows for subsequent years: 1. The ratio of Net profit before taxes to sales is 12%. 2. Tax rate is 35% 3. For every dollar of increased sales BBC will increase working capital by 15% (or working capital will increase by $0. 15 for every dollar of increased sales) 4. Capex is 2% of sales 5. Depreciation is 2% of sales 6. BBCââ¬â¢s beta is 1. 2. Use BBCââ¬â¢s cost of equity as its WACC since its debt is a trivial part of its capital structure. 7. Analystsââ¬â¢ growth forecast for BBC and for the craft brewing segment in general is 30% per year over the next five years. Present the following: 1. Overview of the industry ââ¬â competitive landscape, expected short-term and longterm industry growth, key players in the industry. Summarize the key facts from the case in about one to two paragraphs. Identify the closest peers to BBC. â⬠¢ Also, present as separate analysis of the relative growth of the craft brewing segment. Suppose the craft brewing segment grows at 30% per year for the next five years. What would be the % share (as a % of barrels sold) of the craft brewing segment in the beer industry? What would be the % share of the craft brewing segment if this segment grows at a 30% per year rate for the next 10 years? How do you expect established players in the market to react if this segment of the market grows at these rates? Some of the information for Peteââ¬â¢s and Redhook given below differ from the case. Use the information here in your analysis. 1 2. Business description and a brief history of the company. Does the company have any unique strategic positioning within the industry? ââ¬â One paragraph 3. Present a qualitative assessment of the future outlook for the company. For example, are there any new products in the pipeline? Do you anticipate any competitive threats? Based on these developments, do you expect BBCââ¬â¢s growth and profitability to improve deteriorate, or stay about the same as in the past? 4. Revenue Forecasts and Free cash flow forecasts for the next ten yearsââ¬â â⬠¢ Specifically explain if you are forecasting revenue and FCF growths and profit margins that are significantly different from the companyââ¬â¢s historical experience and why. 5. Present a DCF analysis and determine BBCââ¬â¢s intrinsic value. Assume that BBCââ¬â¢s Enterprise Value/ NOPLAT will be 18 ten years from now (check for sensitivities by assuming a multiple of either 15 or 20). 6. Present a valuation based on valuation ratios (P/B, P/E, P/S) for comparable firms. What price would you recommend based on these valuation ratios? Based on your recommended price, is BBCââ¬â¢s P/B ratio bigger or smaller than that of Redhook? Of Peteââ¬â¢s? Can you justify this difference? Do the same analysis for P/E and P/S ratios. (Note: Suppose a particular valuation ratio for one firm is 25 and you recommend a corresponding valuation multiple of 35 for BBC. 2 Justify why BBC would command a higher valuation ratio. Justify the direction of the difference (higher or lower) and you do not have to precisely justify why BBCââ¬â¢s valuation multiple should be 35 rather than a different number, say 34. ) 7. Recommend an IPO price. 2 The numbers 25 and 35 that I use here are arbitrary, and I picked them only to explain the idea. Donââ¬â¢t attach any importance to these specific numbers.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Discovering the Truth through Scientific Sociology, Interpretive Sociology, and Critical Sociology Essay
In finding out any data and facts about anything, we considered a lot of thing before we arrive into our final conclusions. In the field of sociology, there are three types of determining the ââ¬Å"truth. â⬠These are the scientific sociology, interpretive sociology, and the critical sociology. They are common in one thing and that is to find out the truth and facts in the environment where individuals interact with each other. However, they have differences which are taken into account. The scientific sociology of the positivist point of view says that facts and truth should be verifiable by our five senses. It always predicts and comes up with theories and law. It finds patter in any occurrences. The interpretive sociology, also called hermeneutics, on the other hand, states the analysis of a socially meaningful action through direct observation of people in a natural habitat. It focuses on the qualitative data and understands the symbolic processes in the surroundings. Lastly, the critical sociology or the transformational approach always gives a main purpose of any doings and action of man into transforming lives of society. Often times, it goes beyond questions of the scientific sociology. It says that people could take responsibility for becoming what they chose. The scientific sociology, in terms of advantage could be justified by hard data and valid supports from the records and files gathered throughout the observation period. It could support and deconstruct conclusions and assumptions with mere verifiable data. However, since the scientific sociology only relies to the five senses of a person, it has the limitation of physical aspect such that it only sees the physical condition and physical phenomenon on the society. Though it states the cause-effect relationship, it still lacks of the facts from the people on the society, which in reality, are the one who have known the truth why is that thing happened, because the are the one who are involved in the action. In relation with the work of Marx, Durkheim, and Weber, they all have their own view regarding the society. It has similarity with the theories mentioned above because like those theories, the theories of the three social scientists arrived in similar societal conflict or disconnection. They all presented their support with different approach like the three theories of sociology in determining the truth. Reference
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Thom Mayne, Short Bio of an American Pritzker Winner
Thom Mayne, Short Bio of an American Pritzker Winner Thom Mayne has been called many things, from an uncompromising rebel to just plain difficult. Hes also been an academic, mentor, and prize-winning architect for many decades. Most importantly, Maynes legacy includes solving urban problems through connections and viewing architecture as a continuous process rather than a static form. Background: Born: January 19, 1944, Waterbury, Connecticut Education and Professional Training: 1968: Bachelor of Architecture, University of Southern California1978: Master of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design Professional: 1968-1970: Planner for Victor Gruen1972: Founder Morphosis, Culver City, California1972: Co-founder Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Santa Monica, California Selected Buildings: 1978: 2-4-6-8 House, Venice, California1983: 72 Market Street Restaurant, Venice, CA (1986 AIA Merit Award)1986: Kate Mantilini Restaurant, Beverly Hills, CA1988: Cedar Sinai Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA1990: The Crawford Residence, Montecito, CA1991: Salick Health Care Office Building, Los Angeles, CA (1992 AIA Honor Award)1990: MTV Studios, Los Angeles, CA1995: The Blades Residence, Santa Barbara, CA1997: Sun Tower, Seoul, South Korea1999: Diamond Ranch High School, Pomona, California2002: Hypo Alpe-Adria Center, Austria2005: Caltrans District 7 Headquarters, Los Angeles, CA2006: Wayne L. Morse United States Courthouse, Oregon2007: U.S. Federal Building, San Francisco, CA2009: Float House, Make it Right Foundation2009: Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 41 Cooper Square, NYC2013: Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, Texas2014: Gates Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York2014: Emerson Los Angeles (ELA), Hollywood, CA2016: Hanking Center T ower, Shenzhen, China 2017: Bloomberg Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Other Designs: 1981: Vietnam War Memorial Competition1990: Osaka Expo 90 Folly, Japan2000: New York Times Magazine Time Capsule competition2003: Silent Collisions, Belgium Awards: 1987: Rome Prize, American Academy of Design in Rome1992: Brunner Prize Award in Architecture, American Academy of Arts and Letters2004: Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA)2005: Pritzker Prize2009: President Obamas Commission on Arts and Humanities2013: AIA Gold Medal Thom Mayne In His Own Words: I have absolutely no interest in producing a building that just accommodates X, Y and Z function.- 2005, TED But basically, what we do is, we try to give coherence to the world. We make physical things, buildings that become a part in an accretional process; they make cities. And those things are the reflection of the processes, and the time that they are made. And what Im doing is attempting to synthesize the way one sees the world and the territories which are useful as generative material.- 2005, TED ...the idea that architecture is defined as single buildings- of whatever size- that can be plugged into a comprehensible, planned urban matrix is no longer adequate to address the needs of people adapting to a highly mobile and ever-changing urban society.- 2011, Combinatory Urbanism, p. 9 I have no interest at all in conceiving something in my brain and saying, This is what it looks like....Architecture is the beginning of something, because its- if youre not involved in first principles, if youre not involved in the absolute, the beginning of that generative process, its cake decoration....its not what Im interested in doing. And so, in the formation of things, in giving it form, in concretizing these things, it starts with some notion of how one organizes.- 2005, TED The practice of architecture, which has traditionally been aligned with permanence and stability, must change to accommodate and take advantage of the rapid changes and increased complexities of contemporary reality....combinatory urbanism engages the premise of continuous process over static form....- 2011, Combinatory Urbanism, p. 29 No matter what Ive done, what Ive tried to do, everybody says it cant be done. And its continuous across the complete spectrum of the various kind of realities that you confront with your ideas. And to be an architect, somehow you have to negotiate between left and right, and you have to negotiate between this very private place where ideas take place and the outside world, and then make it understood.- 2005, TED If you want to survive, youre going to have to change. If you dont change, youre going to perish. Simple as that.- 2005, AIA National Convention (PDF) What Others Say About Mayne: Thom Mayne has been, throughout his career, regarded as a rebel. Even today, after his recognized success as an architect of major building projects, requiring the management of a large office- Morphosis- and a world-wide practice, terms like maverick and bad boy and difficult to work with still cling to his reputation. Part of this is the attraction of the popular press, where he appears frequently, to anything racy and even slightly scandalous. Part of it is a sign of respect- we want our American heroes to be tough and independent, having their own ideals, charting their own paths. Part of it is, in Maynes case, simply true.- Lebbeus Woods (1940-2012), architect Maynes approach toward architecture and his philosophy is not derived from European modernism, Asian influences, or even from American precedents of the last century. He has sought throughout his career to create an original architecture, one that is truly representative of the unique, somewhat rootless, culture of Southern California, especially the architecturally rich city of Los Angeles. Like the Eameses, Neutra, Schindler, and Gehry before him, Thom Mayne is an authentic addition to the tradition of innovative, exciting architectural talent that flourishes on the West Coast.- Pritzker Architecture Prize Jury Citation Maynes architecture does not rebel against conventions so much as it absorbs and transforms them and moves on in a direction that demonstrates how buildings and the spaces they provide, both within and without, can engage the unpredictable yet highly tangible dynamics of the present. He accepts the conventional typologies- bank, high school, courthouse, office building- of the programs his clients hand to him, with a generosity that speaks of his respect for the needs of others, even those with whom he shares little in the way of outlook and sensibility.- Lebbeus Woods Sources: Whos Who in America 2012, 66th edition, vol. 2, Marquis Whos Who à ©2011, p. 2903; Biography, An Essay on Thom Mayne By Lebbeus Woods, and Jury Citation, à © The Hyatt Foundation,; Thom Mayne on architecture as connection, TED Talk Filmed February 2005 [accessed June 13, 2013]; Combinatory Urbanism, Selected Introductory Material the New Orleans Urban Redevelopment chapter (PDF), 2011 [accessed June 16, 2013] Learn More: Combinatory Urbanism: The Complex Behavior of Collective Form by Thom Mayne, 2011Thom Mayne: U.S. Federal Office Building, San Francisco, Tom Piper and Charles Gansa, Directors, Landmarks in 21st Century American Architecture Series, Checkerboard Film Foundation, 2008 (DVD)Morphosis: Buildings and Projects
Monday, November 4, 2019
Brave New World Diction Essay
â⬠In chapter 3 of Aldous Huxleyââ¬â¢s novel Brave New World, many things are revealed about hot the society in this novel functions. It shows more about the work that the people do and how the society functions. Huxley uses repetition and descriptive diction to provide a deeper look into the society that is shown in this passage. In one paragraph, one specific word helps to clarify the meaning of the repetition of the word ââ¬Å"whiskâ⬠. While talking about history, the Controller states that ââ¬Å"History is bunkâ⬠to the students. In context, bunk is taken to mean nonsense, or unimportant. It serves the authors purpose by revealing more about the society in this passage. History is irrelevant to the alphas. The word ââ¬Å"bunkâ⬠further helps to explain the diction in the next paragraph of this passage. The word ââ¬Å"whiskâ⬠is repeated twelve times in one paragraph. It is used to describe how easily history is wiped away and forgotten. It even shows that music and feelings such as passion are gone. The repetition of the word ââ¬Å"whiskâ⬠is fundamental in illustrating how insignificant the past is to this society. The authors use of descriptive diction gives further insight about this society. The author uses words and phrases such as ââ¬Å"tactualâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Embryo Storeâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Psychology Bureauâ⬠among many others. This is significant because it illustrates how technologically advanced the society in this passage is. This passage reveals that society has completely disregarded history and advanced in the scientific field. The author uses the word ââ¬Å"forbiddenâ⬠to describe poetry books and religious books such as the Bible. This further develops the society as a society where feelings evoked by poetry and religious faith are frowned upon. As this passage demonstrates, history and literature have been removed from this society. History and literature are subjects that connect people, and tie them together, but without them, this passage shows that this society is very advanced in the field of science. This society is clearly appalled by life led by their ancestors. They have effectively gotten rid of history, and any feeling that helps them make lasting connections to other people. Through the use of descriptive diction, the authors purpose of providing insight into this society is fully accomplished. The diction in this passage illustrates how dynamic the society in this novel is. This society revolves around science, and wants nothing to do with the past. This passage provides very important insight into how this society functions, and the structure of the society. The author successfully achieves his purpose through the use of repetition and expressive diction. Brave New World Diction Essay â⬠In chapter 3 of Aldous Huxleyââ¬â¢s novel Brave New World, many things are revealed about hot the society in this novel functions. It shows more about the work that the people do and how the society functions. Huxley uses repetition and descriptive diction to provide a deeper look into the society that is shown in this passage. In one paragraph, one specific word helps to clarify the meaning of the repetition of the word ââ¬Å"whiskâ⬠. While talking about history, the Controller states that ââ¬Å"History is bunkâ⬠to the students. In context, bunk is taken to mean nonsense, or unimportant. It serves the authors purpose by revealing more about the society in this passage. History is irrelevant to the alphas. The word ââ¬Å"bunkâ⬠further helps to explain the diction in the next paragraph of this passage. The word ââ¬Å"whiskâ⬠is repeated twelve times in one paragraph. It is used to describe how easily history is wiped away and forgotten. It even shows that music and feelings such as passion are gone. The repetition of the word ââ¬Å"whiskâ⬠is fundamental in illustrating how insignificant the past is to this society. The authors use of descriptive diction gives further insight about this society. The author uses words and phrases such as ââ¬Å"tactualâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Embryo Storeâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Psychology Bureauâ⬠among many others. This is significant because it illustrates how technologically advanced the society in this passage is. This passage reveals that society has completely disregarded history and advanced in the scientific field. The author uses the word ââ¬Å"forbiddenâ⬠to describe poetry books and religious books such as the Bible. This further develops the society as a society where feelings evoked by poetry and religious faith are frowned upon. As this passage demonstrates, history and literature have been removed from this society. History and literature are subjects that connect people, and tie them together, but without them, this passage shows that this society is very advanced in the field of science. This society is clearly appalled by life led by their ancestors. They have effectively gotten rid of history, and any feeling that helps them make lasting connections to other people. Through the use of descriptive diction, the authors purpose of providing insight into this society is fully accomplished. The diction in this passage illustrates how dynamic the society in this novel is. This society revolves around science, and wants nothing to do with the past. This passage provides very important insight into how this society functions, and the structure of the society. The author successfully achieves his purpose through the use of repetition and expressive diction.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Context of professional practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Context of professional practice - Essay Example Hence, as a clinician, I usually ensure that I am up to date with advancing improvised legislation subject to all laws and guidelines laid down by my professional body. In UK, certain principles have been enshrined in good medical practices that ensure every health worker must follow regarding patient treatment. Notably, these legal principles bound me to numerous principles of care for my patients. Personally, I consider treating patients as a significant practice; nonetheless, I usually relate all the requirements as suggested by the General Medical Council in the UK. For instance, dignity and total respect for patients are my greatest importance in offering medical services. Clinicians are expected to provide care that meets the individualââ¬â¢s expectations despite that it very difficult when face with the need to make efficient use of the available resources. Therefore, it is upon me to put into consideration the public interests and practice within the specified legal bounda ries. According to the UK specifications, all treatments and care should take into account the individual needs and preferences of the patient. Moreover, patients are entitled to the best possible care irrespective of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. Thus, as medical practitioner it is my responsibility to provide total support for the patient regardless of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. On the other hand, as part of offering the best to our patients, there should be efforts in maintaining a good standard of clinical practice. Notably, medicine is changing rapidly. For this reason, we cannot maintain the good standards of clinical practice unless we keep our knowledge and skills updated. This has been made a fundamental requirement and is no longer an extra. In ensuring the best clinical practice, we must have an individual development plan. Therefore, we should allocate sufficient time to offer medical se rvices to patients in a strategized manner. Good clinical practice entails being conscientious and ensuring that enough time is devoted to providing safe and effective support and care (Hendrick et al., 2013; Pg. 25). Therefore, as an individual within the practice, I usually read medical book regarding my practice and all the entailed requirements. Confidentiality is also a vital element in offering medical services to patients both in the hospital and at home. This element is protected in the Hippocratic Oath. The legislation that governs the process of private information is contained in the data protection act. The act requires medical practitioners to respect and keep in secret all personal information regarding the patient. Moreover, the act requires that information concerning the patientââ¬â¢s sickness should only be disclosed upon the patientââ¬â¢s permission. All clinicians are subject to the confidentiality legislation. Notably, breach of confidentiality may have st rict consequences for the clinician/patient relationship as well as the clinicianââ¬â¢s reputation. However, in some occasions, oneââ¬â¢s obligations to the peopleââ¬â¢s safety and public good override the confidentiality duty to the patient. Nonetheless, as a clinician I may be forced to disclose patientââ¬â¢s information in case of a serious crime; however, I am obligated to keep such information confidential. Other occasions where the confidentiali
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